The presentation material of "Qt on eT-Kernel" at the Qt Developer Days 2011 and the Qt Developer Conference Tokyo 2011 is now available from the Literature Download.
eSOL will participate in the ARM Technical Symposia 2011
held at Taipei and Hsinchu in Taiwan.
A Field Application Engineer at eSOL will make a speech on the eT-Kernel real-time OS in the Connected Life Track session in Hsinchu.
eSOL will also have an exhibition booth both in Taipei and Hsinchu showcasing the eT-Kernel real-time OS including the Qt incorporated eT-Kernel SDK software platform.
* ARM Technical Symposia 2011 Taiwan(Chinese)
- Taipei : 9:00-17:30, November 17 2011
- Hsinchu: 9:00-17:30, November 18 2011
<Time of the speech : 15:20-15:50, in the Track A, Connected Life 1>eSOL will participate in the Qt Developer Days 2011
held in Munich and San Francisco starting from October 25, 2011.
The software CTO at eSOL will give a speech on "Qt on the eT-Kernel real-time OS" in the Qt Technical Track session both in Munich and San Francisco.
* Speech abstract
eSOL will also have an exhibition booth in Munich showcasing the fully integrated real-time based software platform "eT-Kernel SDK" which incorporates Qt.
* Qt Developer Days 2011
- Munich, Germany : October, 24-26 2011
<Time and date of the speech : 17:15-18:30, October 25, 2011>
- San Francisco, California : November 29, 2011 - December 1, 2011
<Time and date of the speech : 17:15-18:30, November 30, 2011>