Reliable and Trusted Middleware
eSOL’s middleware portfolio comprises: filesystem software that conforms to industry-trusted specifications and, network stacks such as TCP/IP. All come with the assurance of a long-established track record, having been used in numerous successful embedded applications throughout automotive, industrial, medical, aerospace, and consumer segments.
For all middleware packages, we offer software support and maintenance contracts to provide long-term usability.

High Performance and Fully Integrated
All middleware is carefully integrated and optimized for eSOL’s eMCOS and eT-Kernel RTOS platforms, and supported as a one-stop shop solution and T-Kernel based OSes. Ready to use with total confidence, their performance and speed and reliability are proven in many use cases where timing is critical, such as audio and video applications.
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Easily Portable to Your Hardware
eSOL middleware packs are delivered as C source-code. Moreover, they are supported with reference applications, also provided as source code, to help simplify and accelerate completion of customers’ projects.
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Optimized Hardware Footprint
Each middleware function is available as a set of scalable products with different function-set variants. You can choose the right one for optimum performance and footprint.
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