The POSIX standard is the only standard for real-time OSes used for safety-critical applications. eSOL’s eMCOS® RTOS, with its POSIX-compliant API, lets users take advantage of existing libraries created for POSIX-specified OSes – such as ROS (Robot Operating System) and AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform - while ensuring scalability and real-time performance.
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For general applications of highly networked systems such as robotics, the ROS/ROS 2 (Robot Operating System) software framework is already in widespread use. By abstracting software development from the underlying technology, ROS lets creative minds concentrate on the application’s higher value functions. They can also rely on the robust, tested and continuously maintained ROS ecosystem.
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AUTOSAR has successfully standardized approaches to automotive software development, first with the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, promoting reliability, enhancing reuse, and accelerating time to market. With the arrival of new CASE requirements (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric), the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform now provides an optimized standard for applications like central computing, ADAS, and autonomous driving.
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Safety-critical applications demand a safe and secure real-time operating system (RTOS). On the other hand, reusing existing Linux-based code and applications holds the key to timely and cost-effective development. Virtualization using a platform like eMCOS Hypervisor® lets you develop rich mixed-criticality systems, separating safety-critical real-time applications and non-critical Linux or Android applications on the same hardware platform.
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Open-Source Software (OSS)
eMCOS POSIX provides a standard POSIX interface that simplifies integrating a variety of existing OSS middleware, e.g. source code written under Linux that complies with the POSIX standard. Moreover, with the eMCOS Hypervisor option, developers can integrate complete OSS platforms while maintaining in parallel real-time application performance and integrity.
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