The fourth industrial revolution is happening now, with connected assets and Big Data. As well as traditional in-house systems, open standards such as ROS 2 and Autoware, and network protocols such as DDS and OPC-UA, are enabling the development of next-generation IIoT applications.
With our extensive expertise in
mission-critical embedded systems development, we have a unique understanding of market needs and challenges. Harnessing our knowledge and technical experience of advanced development of industrial robots and other products, we seamlessly integrate our customers' in-house systems with open standard services to develop innovative high-level platforms combining the latest technologies and critical safety features.

Stronger Architecture for Safety and Security
Ensuring functional safety according to IEC 61508, at safety-integrity levels up to SIL 4, is critical and only possible with a pre-certified RTOS such as eSOL’s eMCOS® or eT-Kernel™. Their optimized design guarantees availability, while field-proven security and robustness ensure the reliability of embedded devices and the entire network architecture.
Meanwhile, eMCOS Hypervisor® ensures unrivalled safety and secure separation with real-time performance to integrate mixed-criticality applications.

Scalable Multicore Support With Real-Time Capability
Leveraging economies of scale is critical and requires scalable hardware products. eSOL is the only RTOS vendor to offer an RTOS family for heterogeneous single, multi and many-core CPU architectures from 8 to 1024 cores. eMCOS multikernel technology optimizes parallel and separate management of processes with high performance and in real time. It also enables code reusage through the open POSIX API standard.
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Multiple Industrial Networking Support
Today's plant operators expect intuitive user interfaces with touchscreen convenience. However, applications must also ensure safe, deterministic and secure operation, leverage the strengths of real-time embedded and cloud computing, and handle middleware for fieldbuses and network protocols such as DDS and OPC-UA. eSOL's eMCOS POSIX RTOS supports DDS and OPC-UA as well as other industrial networking protocols for safe and secure industrial IoT and edge applications.
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ROS Ready
To accelerate the development of robotic applications, eSOL supports the ROS open software standards. Our ROS engineering services are especially optimized for embedded systems using ROS 2, leveraging our unparalleled experience in autonomous, distributed and cooperative systems for smart factory and autonomous applications. In addition, our eMCOS POSIX RTOS platform can provide a suitable, production-ready, ROS-based runtime environment for embedded systems.
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Proven Long Term Support
Unlike open source-based solutions, eSOL provides direct support as an original product provider. We have been working for decades for our industrial customers to support, improve and extend our products. As industrial products have a very long lifetime, we deliver our embedded software in source code and can provide specialised long-term support and maintenance.
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