Familiar and Optimized IDE
Leveraging the Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) project, eDEVS® combines familiarity with rich features for debugging, tracing, and performance optimization.
You can work quickly and efficiently, leveraging features like event logging, the system browser, and real-time profiler for analysis and optimization. This development style helps identify any issues early, while reloading just revised threads helps save time, and isolated debugging of threads at runtime simplifies development.

All the IDE You Will Need
eDEVS delivers the advantages of a modular, extensible IDE, without the complexity. We have bundled eDEVS with original Arm Compilers which makes ordering and development even faster. Moreover, with support for Arm FVP simulator, you can get a head-start on software development before your Arm-based hardware is available.
eDEVS also eases re-use of existing code by targeting proprietary libraries, device drivers, and other software assets, as well as commercial middleware.

Flexible and Easy to Use
Combining Eclipse and the VS Code plugin, eDEVS presents a powerful and commonly used IDE environment. It can run on widely used host PC OSes, including Windows 10 64-bit and Ubuntu LTS. eDEVS supports popular JTAG-debugger hardware from vendors including Arm, SEGGER, Lauterbach, DTS INSIGHT, and KMC. In addition, support for partial software application uploads to the hardware permits rapid debugging on the target hardware and reduces target Flash deterioration.
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