AUTOSAR Classic and AUTOSAR Adaptive support
eSOL’s eMCOS®, with AUTOSAR Classic Platform APIs, is ideal for small real-time systems. For high performance computing (HPC) systems, often with mixed criticality, eMCOS POSIX and eMCOS Hypervisor® support AUTOSAR APIs for high-end applications using AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.
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eSOL: Premium Partner of the AUTOSAR Consortium
eSOL is long established as a Premium Partner of the AUTOSAR consortium and actively contributes to the definition of the AUTOSAR Classic and Adaptive platforms. Especially through our intensive membership in the OS and Architecture group, can ensure that our OS and hypervisor products are compliant and work well with these standards.
Through our experience in supporting numerous AUTOSAR development projects, we can provide you with competent advice on all aspects of AUTOSAR.