*AUBIST-related products will be provided by eSOL in place of AUBASS from April 1, 2024, as AUBASS will become a wholly owned subsidiary of DENSO.

AUBIST CP BSW is a BSW licensed product supporting AUTOSAR Classic Platform R19-11, 4.2 .x (4.3 .x with some features). This section introduces the functional overview of each FC (Functional Cluster) and the corresponding modules based on R19-11.

■ FC:

RTE(Runtime Environment)Provides RTE (Runtime Environment) functionality
Functional Overview Provides a runtime environment for SW-C to communicate and use services provided by BSW
Supported Modules
RTE Runtime Environment

Provides OS (Operating System) functionality
Functional Overview
  • Scalability class1 and class3 support for AUTOSAR OS
  • Provides enhanced functionality in addition to the AUTOSAR specification
Supported Modules
OS Operating System

Provides System Services (SS) functionality
Functional Overview
  • Provides a mechanism for managing and monitoring the state of systems built using AUBIST
  • Provides accurate time synchronization between different systems
Supported Modules
BswM BSW Mode Manager
EcuM ECU State Manager
StbM Synchronized Time Base Management

Provides COM (Communication) functionality
Functional Overview Provide network-independent communications and gateway functions
Supported Modules
ComM Communication Manager
Com Communication
LdCom Large Data COM
PduR PDU Router
BswMCs BswM for Communication Stack
Nm Network Management Interface

Provides Transformer functionality
Functional Overview Provides serialization and conversion of communication data and data protection functions
Supported Modules
SomeIpXf SOME/IP Transformer
E2EXf E2E Transformer

Provides communication service functions for a Controller Area Network (CAN)
Functional Overview
  • Various modules for in-vehicle communication using CAN and CAN FD, and some modules of System Services with high needs for in-vehicle communication
  • MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) is provided as a one-package solution.
Supported Modules
BswMCan BswM for Can
CanNm CAN Network Management
CanSm CAN State Manager
CanTp CAN Transport Layer
CanIf CAN Interface
Can CAN Driver

Provides Ethernet communication services with high capacity data communication with BSW compliant with AUTOSAR Classic Platform
Functional Overview
  • Provides in-vehicle Ethernet communication, which is capable of large capacity data communication, as a communication protocol for "connected cars" and "advanced driver assistance/autonomous driving".
  • In addition, some modules of System Services, which have high needs for in-vehicle communication, are provided.
  • Extended AUTOSAR specification for IP forwarding and various fail-safe functions
  • SOME/IP Xf, SOME/IP TP and SD coming in separate packages compliant with AUTOSAR R19-11
Supported Modules
BswMEth BswM for Ethernet
UdpNm UDP Network Management
EthSm Ethernet State Manager
CanTp Diagnostic Over IP
EthIf Ethernet Interface
SomeIpTp SOME/IP Transport Protocol
Sd Service Discovery
EthTSyn Time Sync Over Ethernet
SoAd Socket Adaptor
TcpIp TCP/IP Stack
Eth Ethernet Driver
Spi SPI Handler Driver

Provides the communication service functions of the LIN (Local Interconnect Network)
Functional Overview
  • Provides various modules which realize in-vehicle communication using LIN and some modules of System Services that have high needs for in-vehicle communication.
  • Provides functions from the AUTOSAR specification (LIN Consortium 2.1)
  • MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) is provided as a one-package solution.
Supported Modules
LIN Master
BswMLin BswM for Lin
LinNM Lin Network Manager
LinSm LIN State Manager
LinIf LIN Interface
Lin LIN Driver
LIN Slave
LinCom LIN Communication
LinNM Lin Network Manager
LinSS Lin System Service
Lin LIN Driver
Note:LIN Slave is not AUTOSAR compliant.

Provides functions that enable common security measures to be implemented between ECUs.
Functional Overview
  • Provide the cryptographic functionality (AES, RSA) in the SW library for use with both microcontrollers with and without Secure IP.
  • Provides intrusion detection and log collection to detect cyber-attacks (IdsM)
Supported Modules
Csm Crypto Service Manager
CryIf Crypto Interface
IdsM Instruction detection system Manager
KeyM Key Manager
SecOC Secure Onboard Communication
SecOCFV SecOC Freshness Value
CryptoSW Software Cryptography

Provides data storage and management functions for non-volatile memory
Functional Overview
  • Used in conjunction with AUBIST CP Sec and DIAG to support security and diagnostic functions and solve advanced microcontroller memory resource (Data Flash) management
  • In addition to AUTOSAR specifications, providing functions for high demands in-vehicle specification.
  • Provides a mechanism to prevent data loss due to a power outage during data reprograming
  • MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) is provided as a one-package solution.
Supported Modules
NvM NVRAM Manager
MemIf Memory Abstraction Interface
Fee Flash EEPROM Emulation
Fls Flash Driver
Mscd Memory Service Complex Driver
Spi SPI Handler Driver

Provides the ability to save and read DTC (DIAG Trouble Code) and error information and communicate with diagnostic tools
Functional Overview
  • CAN communication, Ethernet, CXPI
  • Meet regulatory and non-regulatory services for international standards (ISO 14229, ISO 15031, SAE J 1979 (including -2), etc.)
Supported Modules
Dcm Diagnostic Communication Manager
Dem Diagnostic Event Manager
Fim Function Inhibition Manager

Provides functionality defined as a common library for applications and BSWs
Functional Overview
  • E2E, defined as a safety requirement, provides communication protection between SWC and BSW
  • Crc and Bfx are included in each package as a common library
  • Supports profiles that work with AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform
Supported Modules
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
E2E E2E Library

Provides a new in-vehicle communication method CXPI (Clock Extension Peripheral Interface) communication service function based on the international standard (ISO 20794)
Functional Overview
  • Communication Protocol for Subsystems Adopting Nondestructive CSMA/CR (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Cancellation) Scheme
  • Application cases: light SW, door SW, seat control, rain sensor, wiper control, etc.
  • Advantages: CXPI uses CSMA/CA to reduce Hardware cost compared to one-to-one communication and to improve response performance compared to LIN
  • MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) and Transceiver Driver as One-Package Solution
  • Provides standard transport layer control functions for diagnostic communication
  • CXPI master supports the functionality of CAN-CXPI diagnostic gateway data transfer.
  • Providing engineering service (e.g. support to customer specified transceivers)
Supported Modules
CxpiSm CXPI State Manager
CxpiNm CXPI Network Management
CxpiTp CXPI Transport Layer
CxpiIf CXPI Interface
CxpiTrcv CXPI Transceiver Driver
Cxpi CXPI Driver
CxpiGw CXPI GateWay
CxpiCom CXPI Communication
CxpiComM CXPI Communication Manager

Provides the ability to update ECU software (control program/data) from the outside (reprograming tool) without removing the ECU from the vehicle.
Functional Overview
  • Supports CAN, Ethernet, and CXPI communication service functions
  • Secure boot support
  • Support for ECUs with multiple microcontrollers
  • Supports differential rewrite
Supported Modules
FBL Flash Boot Loader
CAN CAN Communication Stack
Delta driver Delta driver
AUBIST RPRG (Ethernet Package)
FBL Flash Boot Loader
Ethernet-FC Ethernet Function Cluster
Eth Ethernet Driver
Spi SPI Handler Driver
Delta driver Delta driver
FBL Flash Boot Loader
CXPI-FC CXPI Function Cluster
Supplied with AUBIST LIB (common package) RPRG
Crc Cyclic Redundancy Check
Bfx Bitfield functions for fixed point
Encryption LIB (AES Cipher Library) License required
CPL Cryptographic Primitive Library

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