Engineering & Professional Services

Embedded projects are becoming more and more complex and software-defined, while schedules and budgets are tighter than ever. Manufacturers are facing significant code expansion, increasing system complexity, optimum performance requirements, and growing safety and security demands. eSOL offers a comprehensive range of customized Engineering & Professional Services to bridge the gap between its commercial software platforms and customers’ project-specific system requirements.

Training and implementation support

eSOL offers on-site training to help you use our software products more effectively, maximize their efficiency, and implement them successfully.
eSOL’s training classes are conducted by consultants that combine tools and embedded applications expertise with customer application experience.

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Custom Engineering Services

eSOL has over 45 years of experience in developing high-performance, high-quality embedded software for demanding customers. It has developed a strong knowledge of real-time software platforms, which it makes available to customers who wish to develop their embedded systems by integrating new functionalities with eSOL’s COTS software.
In addition, eSOL can offer and support custom development of its products to meet the specific needs of its customers while complying with the OEM’s requirements.

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System design recommendations

Our consultants offer recommendations on the usage of eSOL software products that will result in the best possible system architecture to meet your project requirements.
Based on our automotive and industrial background in real-time embedded development, eSOL experts will perform a study of your product requirements and use-cases, and suggest different approaches to ensure that the most optimal software design decision is made for your product.

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Performance improvements

The Operating System is the heart of your embedded device. Hence, while our RTOS platform is designed to deliver the maximum performance from your hardware, using and tuning this technology for optimal performance is critical in today’s complex embedded applications.
From the design to the integration phases, our consultants can review your software application, help you make the right decisions, and suggest insights and ways of improving performance with optimal usage of eSOL software.

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Migration paths

eSOL consultants offer suggestions on migration paths from other operating systems and/or middleware to eSOL software solutions to maximize re-usability of existing software.
This typically entails identifying potential bottlenecks and determining the path of fastest development.

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BSP porting and device drivers

eSOL consultants can port eSOL’s RTOS products to any SOC or MCU architecture and any COTS or custom CPU board. This development includes fine tuning of all underlying resources (CPU, cores, cache, memory, network, busses, I/Os...) and customer’s compiler options for optimized and guaranteed integration with the eSOL software platform.
Our services also include writing device drivers for custom hardware, and porting third-party communication stacks and graphics libraries onto eSOL’s RTOS.

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Software certification support

eSOL safety experts can assist in the integration of functional safety applications that are subject to ISO26262 (automotive) or IEC 61508 (industrial) certification procedures.
eSOL consultants can provide software certification services, tools, and technologies to help our customers address their most demanding software compliance and standards requirements with our certifiable RTOS products.

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ROS engineering services

With a dedicated team of more than 30 ROS specialists, eSOL offers ROS/ROS 2 and Autoware engineering services that leverage our experience in autonomous, distributed and cooperative systems for Smart Factory and AD applications.
In addition, the eSOL eMCOS® POSIX RTOS platform can provide a suitable, production-ready, ROS-based runtime environment for embedded systems.

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